There are some people out there that when they preach on grace and the mystical realm I just get very nervous. I can sense with them that sooner or later they are going to say something that’s doctrinally off-the-wall. By all appearances they look and sound legitimate but something in my spirit troubles me about them. I can discern that they are sometimes influenced by a different spirit without even realising it. Do you ever get that?
Why do these people make me nervous? Because for some of them Jesus is not enough. The simplicity of the Word is not enough. They have to always be “EXTRA”. They have to be extra impressive. They have to say deeper and more profound things than anyone else. They have to have extra special insight and access into spiritual things that others don’t have. What they say can sound so impressive and yet in reality most times it doesn’t even make actual sense. This disturbs and troubles me. It has the flavour of Gnosticism as it flirts with another gospel. Be careful when you think you have special revelation. So special that only a few understand it. So special that it’s extra biblical.

We need to follow one Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and have a consistent sound doctrine that is firmly grounded in the Bible.

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