Ryan Rufus
Bio: Ryan Rufus is a prophetic teacher and voice to the Body of Christ with a grace gifting to unlock the Scriptures and reveal them in their true and powerful context. His teachings bring revelation and transformation that establish people on a foundation of New Covenant grace, as well as protect the Church against distorting and destructive doctrines. Ryan has written numerous books and ministered in churches and conferences in Australia, USA, Switzerland, Germany, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Holland and South Africa. He has a vision to see people saved, set free and living for Jesus and a passion to see churches and people walking in freedom and growing in powerful atmospheres of God’s grace. His God given assignment is to “show believers their salvation through a deeper revelation of regeneration and sanctification by grace.” Having been heavily involved in church eldership for over twelve years, in three different churches in Australia and Hong Kong, he now heads up New Nature Ministries based in Adelaide, South Australia together with his wife Kylie. They are the proud parents of Renae, Chloe, Kimberly and Asher. You can find an ever increasing resource base of his teachings on his ministry website: www.newnatureministries.org
Adam F Thompson
Bio: Adam F Thompson has a remarkable grace to interpret dreams, move in the Word of knowledge and demonstrate the prophetic. Supernatural signs and manifestations regularly accompany his ministry as he desires to see Jesus ‘magnified’ through the moving of the Holy Spirit. He has ministered extensively in North America, New Zealand, Korea and Australia. He also has spent the last fifteen years doing mission work throughout Pakistan, India, Africa, South Korea, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and the Philippines in crusades, feeding programs and pastors conferences. Adam is instrumental in planting Field Of Dreams Church in South Australia and is the author of the “The Supernatural Man” and co-author of the best selling book “The Divinity Code to understanding your Dreams and Visions’ and operates itinerantly through his ministry ‘Voice of Fire’.
Luke Ide
Bio: Luke Ide has a passion to see people develop a close relationship with the person of Jesus. Within his community he focuses on reaching the lost, through prophetic street ministry and psychic exhibitions by ministering the healing power of Jesus Christ. He started the expo ministry in 2009 where he trains, equips and releases the prophetic to encourage believers to step out with boldness demonstrating the true gospel. He is an associate pastor at Freedom Life in Perth, Australia together with his wife, Yvonne and two sons.