- We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and our final authority for truth.
- We believe in the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit.
- We believe in Creation and a young earth.
- We believe in the fall of mankind and the need for a saviour.
- We believe in the existence of a literal heaven and hell.
- We believe in the deity of Christ, The virgin born sinless Son of God.
- We believe Jesus died to make atonement for mankind’s sins and to propitiate the wrath of God.
- We believe that only through personal faith in Christ can a person be saved.
- We believe that by faith a person is spiritually baptised into Christ and only then gets to partake in Christ and His sacrifice.
- We reject all Inclusionism, Universalism, Trinitarian Universalism, Ultimate Reconciliation and Post-mortem Salvation teachings.
- We believe that election and predestination refer mostly to all nations being included in God’s salvation plan, not random select individuals.
- We believe that election was exclusive to the Jews first before Christ, but then inclusive of all Gentile nations (mankind) after the death and resurrection of Christ. God’s election is now Jews and Gentiles.
- We neither affirm Calvinism nor Arminianism.
- We believe God is sovereign and that mankind has free will and therefore that the means by which God’s purposes come about is through faith, cooperating with God, prayer and the preaching of the Gospel.
- We believe in the resurrection and ascension of Christ.
- We believe in Pentecost and the Charismatic gifts.
- We believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for every believer today.
- We believe in miracles, signs and wonders and the gifts of the Spirit.
- We reject Cessationism and any doctrine that presumes miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased.
- We believe the New Covenant should not be mixed with the Old Covenant.
- We believe that a believer is not under the Old Covenant laws or any laws as a means of producing righteousness.
- We believe the purpose of the law is to reveal sin in the unbeliever and to point them to Christ.
- We believe that coming under the law of Christ is being obedient to believe His Gospel and no other.
- We believe Christians are called to relate to God through faith and grace, not works and law.
- We believe that you cannot earn, keep or complete your salvation through any works. It is simply by faith alone in Christ.
- We believe in eternal security. That if a person is truly born again they can never lose that no matter what.
- We believe that true motivation in the New Covenant comes from faith, love and hope not fear of curse or incentive of blessing.
- We believe in the one act of forgiveness for all our past, present and future sins.
- We believe in the gift of righteousness that is received through faith.
- We believe in the miracle of rebirth / regeneration / being born again by the Holy Spirit at the point of faith in Christ.
- We believe someone born again no longer has a sinful nature but rather a brand new nature – God’s very nature.
- We believe that sanctification is an event first where we are separated unto Christ (our position) and made holy once and for all, and then it’s a process where we learn to live out of that position of holiness. The process doesn’t sanctify us, it teaches us how to live a sanctified life.
- We believe that sin is destructive and distracting and that we should neither deny or excuse it, but resist it.
- We believe a truly born again believer doesn’t want to sin but wants to live free from sin.
- We believe the way to overcome sin is not through guilt, shame, condemnation, penance, sin consciousness or law consciousness but through grace, faith, truth and by living a fulfilled life in Christ of intimacy and purpose.
- We believe we should be living Christ-centred and not man-centred lives.
- We believe that we should live a pure and moral lifestyle that is inspired and empowered by our faith in Jesus, intimacy with Him and basing our lives on His Word.
- We believe we should avoid all forms of sexual immorality, and be honest, have integrity, not steal or cheat or defraud, not hate or murder, but be loving, kind, patient, gentle, generous, faithful and self controlled.
- We believe in the Body of Christ – the Church, and Her paramount relevance and mission here on earth.
- We believe in God’s divine order and authority in the Church through Christ as the Head and the shepherds/elders He appoints over His flock.
- We believe in the five fold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. We believe they are for today and are wonderful and necessary gifts.
- We believe in the unity of the Spirit and that all believers are part of the universal Church of Christ.
- We believe that unity of the faith can only come by harmonising with Christ and His Gospel, not through any fleshly efforts of man.
- We believe that elders are the highest governing authority in a local church.
- We believe that local churches should be governed autonomously by its eldership and should have relationship with and accountability to apostles and other five fold ministry gifts.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is our ultimate source and therefore we should live fearless.
- We believe in living a lifestyle of generosity.
- We believe generosity flows from God’s nature in us, from faith in God and from a heart to be a blessing to people.
- We believe in tithing in a New Covenant way not an Old Covenant way. But we will not let this be an issue that divides.
- We believe in a biblical godly view on marriage being that between a man and a woman and that homosexuality is not God’s idea nor desire for anyone.
- We believe it’s possible to love the homosexual community even though we may disagree with them on some things.
- We believe in a future interpretation of the Book of Revelation, but one that is characterised by a triumphal Christ and His Church, and not fear of the antichrist or Satan.
- We do not affirm partial or full Preterism, Historicism or Idealism yet we will not let it be an issue that divides good people. We have space for disputable matters.
- We believe there will be a final great tribulation and that the Church will go through it similar to Israel during the plagues of Egypt.
- We do not believe that a pre-tribulation rapture is biblical. The Church will remain, not to be judged but to reign.
- We believe in the bodily Second Coming of Christ at the close of the age.
- We believe in a victorious eschatology, that Christ will deal with all the forces of evil and bring all things under His Lordship.
- We believe that the trumpet and bowl judgements in the Book of Revelation are Christ’s ultimate and final judgements and destruction upon Satan, the beast/antichrist and the worldly Babylonian antichrist political religious and financial system, and not God’s judgments upon believers or the Church.
- We believe in a final judgement where every human being will stand before Christ and be judged according to His Gospel.
- We believe in the eternal state of heaven for those in Christ, and hell for those outside of Christ.
- We believe the Church is called to preach the Gospel to all peoples and disciple the nations of the world.
- We believe our service for Jesus should flow out of deep intimacy with Him.
- We believe our highest calling is to walk with God.