The PERSON and MINISTRY of the HOLY SPIRIT How can God be good if He allows sickness? GRACE GRENADE #5 There is no means by which you could lose your salvation! The parable of the talents explained GRACE GRENADE #4 Repent means change your mind not confess yours sins GRACE GRENADE #3 Sin cannot separate you from God! GRACE GRENADE #2 God is not more righteous than me The law is a license to sin, not grace! GRACE GRENADE #1 Asking God for forgiveness as a believer, is a sin! How to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit Scriptures for and against eternal security Dominion Over Sin Who said the Gentiles were never under God’s law? Romans 11:26 Will all Israel be saved? Breaking the Bewitching Israel Spell off the Church Romans 11:28-32 Will all Israel be saved even if they don’t have faith in Jesus? Part 1: Thinking right about repentance. Part 2: What repentance is and is not for the believer. Part 3: A Commentary on all the Repentance Scriptures in the New Testament. All your future sins are already forgiven #1: Tithing shouldn’t divide us! #2: What I don’t believe about tithing. #3: Why we can’t dismiss Abraham’s tithe. #4: Six pictures of New Covenant tithing from Abraham. #5: New Covenant Scriptures on Tithing. How to build up spiritual momentum Were Ananias and Sapphira saved? A Bible Study about Speaking in Tongues Sin has no legal dominion over you anymore. Open access to God no matter what Can certain objects in your house give the devil access to harm you? Fulfilling the Great Commission through local churches The one thing you cannot ignore if you want to reach your potential. How to get your faith to work Financial provision by grace: Getting into God’s unlimited supply! What is the sin that leads to death? 4 amazing truths about the gift of righteousness 5 reasons why we should never move on from grace. Grace revolution or rebellion? Overcoming Pornography Is tithing part of the New Covenant? Scriptures that break the “Israel Superstition” off the Church. Election and Predestination explained in the New Covenant. 10 reasons why Matthew 24 describes both 70 AD and the end of the age This is how I interpret Luke 21 5 major concerns I have with Preterism Reasons for a future interpretation of Revelation (chapter by chapter) A Timeline of the book of Revelation Does prayer move God to act? The reason why it’s impossible to lose your salvation Work out your salvation not work for your salvation You cannot lose your salvation God’s guarantee for our eternal security Top 7 scriptural guarantees of eternal security Why Trinitarian Universalism is misguided and unscriptural Universalism vs. the Scriptures on hell Scriptures about God’s ultimate judgement towards unbelievers Only through personal faith in Jesus can a person be saved Was all mankind forgiven at the Cross or must each person receive forgiveness? Is all mankind free from their sins or only those in Christ? Scriptures that refute the cunning and twisted doctrine of perichoresis (all humanity is already included in Christ) Refuting Universalism and strange doctrines that pervert the Gospel Scriptures that challenge Universalism Are you putting people under the law without realising? The heavy yoke of the law The parable of the talents – law vs. grace Understanding the parable of the sower The Beatitudes are for the self righteous! Should we have a special love for Israel? Can sin break your relationship with God in the New Covenant? Explaining Romans 3:31 and Matthew 5:17-18 through the New Covenant. Why your faith won’t work under the law What about New Covenant commands? Does the law play any part in our ongoing Christian walk? 13 scriptures on being released from the law I love Jesus but why can’t I stop looking at pornography? Safeguarding your life against pornography Grace is a license to overcome sin! Is 1 John 1:9 given to help us overcome sin? Which will stop sin more, the law or our new nature? How your new nature helps you overcome sin 1 Thessalonians 4:1-10 in context Redefining what holiness is Your spirit has been made perfect If you take the law off Christian’s then what will stop them from sinning? How does our new nature help us overcome sin? 1 John 1:9 explained clearly – does not say believers need to get continual forgiveness Do we need continual cleansing of sin? (1 John 1:7-9) Trying to earn forgiveness hinders your relationship with God Our sin debt is completely cancelled Forgiveness is a once off act Total forgiveness of past, present and future sins Find out more about: Our Ministry/Vision. Our Beliefs. Our Endorsements. Our Testimonies. Our Itinerary. Our Directors. Our Photo Gallery. Our Books. Our Blog. Our Bible Study. Our newsletter and free grace booklet.