(November 2019)
God put Germany on my heart at the start of 2018 and I believe He has chosen Germany for a very amazing and unstoppable move of God that He is unfolding over the next few years. I wasn’t thinking about Germany. I wasn’t praying for Germany. I had no plans to visit and yet suddenly I received a burden for Germany and I realised God was up to something! I knew He was calling me to get involved. On my recent trip to Germany and Switzerland God spoke to me in the middle of the night and revealed more of His plan. I was getting ready to speak to a particular ministry and wanted to get God’s heart for Germany. After sending out a prayer request on Facebook I suddenly started receiving a prophetic download from God that came with supernatural joy. I was laughing in bed trying to not make a lot of noise as God was showing me more of His plan for Germany. It was very encouraging and I want to share it with you.
God said:
Many Germans carry a guilt from the past events of the war. However, God started the restoration of the Gospel of grace in Germany 500 years ago with Martin Luther and there is a big wave of grace that is going to come out of Germany and touch the world. This is just like the God of grace to do such a thing! Paul the apostle was previously a zealous religious Pharisee who persecuted the church and murdered Jewish Christians. He then had a radical encounter with Jesus who transformed his life and used him to reach Jewish people and the world with the Gospel of grace! Germany is going to be like a Paul the apostle! As Paul was, so Germany is going to be. God took Paul, who had brought so much death, transformed him through grace, then used him to bring so much life to the Jewish people and then throughout the entire world!
There is a deep healing coming to Germany that only the Gospel of grace can do. It’s a revelation of total forgiveness of sins and how completely perfect in God’s righteousness we become in Christ.
God has chosen Germany to shock the world by the redeeming power of His grace and display His grace to the world!
- God is drawing grace teachers to minister in Germany.
- The Gospel of grace is going to flood the nation.
- God is building a wave of grace in Germany that is then going to sweep across the world.
- God is pioneering new pathways for the Gospel to invade Germany. These pathways will open up channels for grace that flood Germany. God is going to use books, worship albums/songs, conferences, online teaching, radio, TV, new church plants and friendships with church leaders and ministries to open up these channels. (Authors, singers, preachers, teachers, personalities, pastors and leaders).
- There is going to be a flood of grace based Spirit filled churches being planted throughout Germany as well as local churches opening up more to the Gospel of grace. Their message is not theory but comes with a demonstration of the Spirits power and has the fruit of transformed lives.
God is taking a nation who doesn’t deserve it to show the nations of the world, who also don’t deserve it, that salvation and relationship with God is by grace through faith alone. Just as God took Paul who didn’t deserve it, God is taking Germany who doesn’t deserve it to show the world grace is a gift.
What God started 500 years ago in Germany with Martin Luther, He is now going to complete in Germany and a mighty wave of the full restoration of the Gospel of grace is going to sweep across the world, and will even reach all the way back to Israel!
This wave will eventually impact Israel who currently reject the Messiah and God’s grace. They will see that it’s not through the law or birth right that we are saved, but simply and only by the grace of God that comes through faith in Christ Jesus.
Romans 11:15 TPT “For if their temporary rejection released the reconciling power of grace into the world, what will happen when Israel is reinstated and reconciled to God? It will unleash resurrection power throughout the whole earth!”
God is raising up a new breed of grace carriers to carry this Gospel of grace throughout Germany and the world. They are people walking in the true freedom and empowerment of grace. They are “gracious warriors!” Gentle yet strong. They will be accused of preaching a license to sin, but actually the atmosphere around their lives is one of purity and power. This they release and activate everywhere they go bringing true transformation.
Thank you God for what you are doing in Germany!
What can you do right now? You can pray for Germany and you can help send or receive ministries into Germany. Regarding New Nature Ministries I am already planning a trip back there next year and the coming years to do tours of grace. I am also currently building up teaching resources in German that can reach even beyond me. You can support all of this financially simply by going to my website and making a donation to the ministry: https://www.newnatureministries.org/partner-give/
(We are a registered not-for-profit ministry in Australia with a specific purpose of getting the Gospel out. We appreciate and need your help to do this.)
May God bless these partnerships in the Gospel and God bless Germany!
Ryan Rufus.