The other day I heard someone say these words to their teenage son who was struggling with sexual purity, “Do you have a plan for purity?” Then he said, “I can’t give you a plan, you have to come up with one yourself because you know what will work and what won’t”. Long story short, the son came up with a plan which he had to adjust a few times but eventually it was successful, and now that son teaches sexual purity to people all over the world. The son was Jason Vallotton whose father is Kris Vallotton and together they have a ministry called Moral Revolution.

But it got me thinking, often we just take life as it comes and hope for the best but don’t actually have a plan that will give us the best opportunity for success. There are so many things in life that you need a plan for in order to be successful. To build a house, to go after a career, to compete in an event, to travel to an unfamiliar destination. If we left all these things up to chance what hope do you think we might have for success?

What about when it comes to purity? Do you leave it up to chance or do you have a plan?

So here’s my question to you, “What is your plan for purity in 2019?”

The best plan is the plan that you come up with. No one can come up with a plan for you. You know what will work for you and what won’t. All I want to do in this article is make some suggestions that might help you make a plan.

So let’s get straight to it!

First I’d suggest you need to make a decision, “I am going to be pure in 2019 therefore I am going to have a plan”. Just making a quality decision like this can make a big difference.

Now start coming up with your own plan. I suggest it includes both the spiritual and the practical. Let’s start with the practical.


1) What is your plan to walk in the light?

I’m sure you’re aware that temptation and darkness diminishes significantly when it is exposed to the light. So,

  • Share your struggles with someone you can trust and ask for their help.
  • Talk to your spouse or a good friend, and just be honest. Not sure how to start? Just show them this article.
  • Talk about your most vulnerable times of temptation with them. Identify when you seem to struggle the most. i.e. When you’re stressed, when you have too much time alone, if you drink too much, if people put you down a lot, if you feel lonely and so on. Just talk to someone.

2) What is your plan to protect your eyes?

For men temptation is usually triggered visually therefore you need to do the best you can to protect your eyes.

  • Put some kind of filter software on your computer with search history and notifications sent to your spouse or supporter. They must have the password only.
  • Limit the number of devices you have or at least put filters on all of them. Whatever is your source of struggle is what you need to deal with.

3) What is your plan for stress relief and emotional fulfilment?

Often we use a sexual release as a way of relieving stress or feeling emotional fulfilment. The more we can turn to healthy alternatives the less we’ll feel drawn to the wrong alternatives.

  • Stress relief – find a fun but intense activity to regularly do like sports, hunting, boxing etc.
  • Emotional fulfilment – find a hobby/activity that replenishes you emotionally like cooking, crafting things, reading, movies, beach, hanging out with friends or whatever but it must be something that’s relaxing and satisfying to you.


1) What is your plan to build your inner spiritual strength?

  • Pray every single day even if it’s just for 5 minutes! Activate God’s strength and grace in your life everyday.
  • Feed on God’s Word and the truth about your dominion in Christ.
  • Be part of a church community that has an encouraging and edifying atmosphere.

2) What is your plan to resist temptation?

  • Practise exercising dominion over your flesh by doing an occasional fast and cutting out unhealthy food from your diet.
  • Practise saying no to certain things to train your body and mind to gain control.
  • Put sexual fantasies to death immediately.
  • Don’t be passive, be a fighter, be a warrior!

Again, these are just suggestions and I haven’t covered every angle because everyone is so unique. But if you think about it enough you’ll be able to figure out what you need to do.

The best time to come up with a plan is right now! The longer you leave it the less likely you are to do it. How about starting your plan right now and begin executing it straight away!

Can I encourage you to keep walking forward even if you stumble at times. Stumble forward!

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Feel free to give your thoughts, feedback or suggestions or contact me by email at

Please share this article as it may just help some people who really need it.

God bless,
Ryan Rufus.

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