I see a new wave of GRACE BASED SPIRIT FILLED churches being planted all over the world. God is divinely stirring and connecting the right people and ministries together from all over the world to plant GRACE BASED SPIRIT FILLED CHURCHES!
These are not going to be religious boring churches, they’re going to be churches that are alive and full of the Holy Spirit and grace. God has given us a heart and vision at New Nature Ministries to plant these kinds of churches into our future. We see ourselves connecting with people who have a calling and desire to plant a church but need some training and ongoing support in doing this. Over the last 23 years of Kylie’s and my life God has fashioned in us 12 cultures that we desire to see every church established in.
These are the 12 cultures:
- PRESENCE: Where there is a love, honour and hunger for hosting God’s presence.
- WORSHIP: Where the goal of worship is to lead people into an encounter with God, and a lifestyle of surrender to Him.
- WORD: Where the preaching of the Word is rich in New Covenant revelation that spiritually feeds and establishes people every week.
- SPIRIT: Where there are regular ministry times full of the Holy Spirit with people being saved, heal, set free, inspired and transformed.
- FELLOWSHIP: Where people share their lives together as one caring family in fellowship, generosity and serving.
- VISITORS: Where visitors are so welcome and feel instantly connected with the church.
- EVANGELISM: Where everyone cares about the lost, brings the lost, and the church is geared to seeing them saved and added.
- EQUIPPING: Where people find their purpose and place and are empowered to fulfil it.
- CHILDREN: Where children’s ministry is all about having fun, learning about God and being connected with friends.
- EXCELLENCE: Where there is a spirit of excellence for the purpose of giving value and importance to the message and Presence.
- LEADERSHIP: Where leaders are secure, truly know God, have a pure love for people and a high value for God’s grace, glory and government.
- PRAYER: Where everything we do is birthed in prayer and reliance upon God.
We are looking to partner with people who resonate with our culture and message to plant New Nature Ministries churches all over the world. These are early days, but if God is stirring your heart, then get in contact with us and let’s see what God does.
God bless,
Ryan Rufus.
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