This photo is of that winning feeling I have after walking out of the gym after a great work out! The main reason I go to the gym is for HEALTHY STRESS RELIEF. I have found that over the last year of doing this, TEMPTATION in my life has dramatically diminished and its been so much easier to walk in victory. I have discovered that a lot of the temptation in our life is our body looking for an easy way to get rid of stress. In fact I am convinced of this. Yes I know a lot of temptation is demonic in origin, but we give the enemy a lot to work with when we are stressed out. In the absence of healthy stress relief activity we become strongly tempted towards unhealthy things. Stress eating, stress drinking, stress retail therapy, sexual stress relief. What about “I’m so stressed I need a smoke!” If you want to give yourself a massive advantage over temptation then find healthy stress relief activities that you regularly and consistently do. Build up a healthy momentum of positive stress relieving endorphins in your body and you’ll be surprised how much you no longer NEED the unhealthy stuff. What sort of activities? Things that are active, exciting, fun and invigorating. There are literally so many things you can do like: gym, swimming, fishing, skydiving, bushwalking, jet skiing, skateboarding, boxing, MMA, cross-fit, sports, motor bike riding, massage, spa, music, climbing, camping – find something you love, that refreshes you, that isn’t stressful but stress relieving and do it regularly and consistently. In time you’ll find a whole new strength to resist the bad stuff!
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