If you don’t deal with that materialistic monster inside of you that says, “I have to have it”, then you will never get ahead in your finances. Materialism is a hungry monster that never seems satisfied even with the rush of buying a nice new thing. If you need material things to make you feel happy on the inside, it’s a sign of an emotional pain inside of you that is usually connected to your self worth. You’re trying to make the pain go away by the euphoria you feel when you buy something. The more expensive the greater the rush. But that rush doesn’t last long though and guess what? You just made the monster more hungry because buying that thing you couldn’t afford put you further behind financially and that’s depressing. So how to get over that depression? Buy some new stuff so you can feel another momentary euphoric hit. It’s the drug of choice, but like drugs it doesn’t cure you it just makes you more dependant and in need of a greater rush, even if it destroys you! “It’s ok” you say, “I’ve got this under control. Just a little bit. I won’t let it get out of control.” Some people can go from a few hundred dollars in debt, to a few thousand, to a few tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and worse. That’s a heavy burden to have to carry because of a little monster that could have been crush in the first place. Don’t feed the monster. Starve it! How? By adopting these basic principles:
- Live within your means and only buy what you can afford.
- If you can’t afford it, go without it until you can afford it.
- Don’t go into debt for luxuries or liabilities. You don’t need the latest thing.
Practise these little things and you will choke materialism!
And lastly, never find your self-worth from what you have or what people think of you because of what you have or don’t have. Find your value from God. He created you and you are extremely valuable to Him. He loves you.
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