Why are some preachers boring and hard to listen to, while others seem too captivate, excite and inspire you to action? What makes someone a great preacher or what makes someone a terrible preacher?

I’ve notices that what most great preachers have in common is that they generally all speak with a strong confidence, an absolute conviction and a deep care for what they are talking about. The effect is that it inspires you to care as well and be compelled to respond.

So what separates a great preacher from a bad preacher, and more importantly how can you become a great preacher?

The top 3 secrets of great preachers:

1. They preach what is REAL in their hearts.

  • They’re not trying to copy someone else or say the things others expect them to say. That say what is real to them. They speak out of what they have experienced and what has impacted them. They are not trying to be someone they’re not or talk from a level they’re not at. They speak out of who they are and where they’re at and how their message is real to them.

2. They preach what is REVELATION in their hearts.

  • They’re not trying to preach someone else’s message. They preach what God has shown them. What God has revealed to them. They get fresh revelation from God. They preach the things that excite their heart because God has unlocked truth and just opened it right up to them. It’s stirring and percolating in them. It fills their heart and is on fire inside of them! They are not trying to preach the words that are written on a piece of paper, they are preaching from the overflow of revelation in their heart.

3. They preach what is RIGHT for them in their hearts.

  • They’re not trying to “wear Saul’s armour”. They face Goliath the way God has called them to do it. This is about the life message and gifting that God has given you. You have to find what that is and develop it and speak out of it. If your life message is generosity and you get asked to preach on marriage, talk about how marriages are successful when each spouse is generous to the other.
    How do you find your life message? Well what are you passionate about? What seems to consistently frustrate you the most in the Church and with believers? What do you think the answer is to the things you are most frustrated about? Guess what, the answers to these could quite possibly be your life message! God has given you a passion for these things and He put you on this planet to speak about them. Find your life message and speak out of that because that will carry weight and authority and have life on it because it’s what you are really passionate about.

When you speak about the things that are real to you, that are revelation to you and that are right for you then you will speak with a confidence and conviction that will cause others to care about what you are saying and be convinced and compelled by it.

Your platform doesn’t just have to be in the pulpit, it can be anywhere – social media, Youtube, podcasts, family, friends, work colleagues, fellow students, strangers – anyone, anywhere, any platform.

When preaching is done well, it has the power to change people’s minds, hearts and their priorities in life towards God and His Kingdom. This is something worth taking very seriously and doing our best to get great at.

If you apply these things and keep sharpening and practising your craft you will grow and get excellent at it.

God bless you, and may His peace fill you in every way.
– Ryan Rufus.

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