This is my own Futurist perspective on the Book of Revelation’s timeline. This is not an academic piece and it is not the result of studying many voices. It comes from my own personal study, meditation and prayer over Revelation and how I currently believe the book should be interpreted.
There are three other main perspectives that you could also research: Preterist, Historicist and Idealist.
Date of writing: I believe the date was around 95 AD by John the apostle of Christ. He was exiled by the Romans to a Roman prison colony on the Island of Patmos. There he received this Revelation of Christ.
A quick breakdown of the 5 segments of Revelation:
1) Revelation 1: John encounters Jesus and is told to write letters to the 7 churches of Asia Minor.
He is instructed to “Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the
things which will take place after this” (Revelation 1:19).
2) Revelation 2-3: the seven letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor.
3) Revelation 4-5: John is caught up into the throne room of God in heaven and sees and hears
many things. No doubt the things “which will take place after this”.
- Revelation 1 contains the “things which you have seen”.
- Revelation 2-3 shows the “things which are”.
- Revelation 4-22 reveals the “things which will take place after this”.
4) Revelation 6-19 describes most of the “things that will take place after this”. It refers to the
short period of time (the end days) from the rise of the beast/antichrist until the Second Coming
of Christ. These chapters are what cause most of the confusion people have over the book of
Revelation because the events are difficult to understand and place in a timeline.
(This is the period that this article will mainly focus on in order to explain the events and place
them in a simple timeline.)
5) Revelation 20-22: describes the rest of “the things that will take place after this” which happen
after Christ’s return. That being the Millennial reign of Christ, Satan’s destruction, the second
resurrection, the Great White Throne Judgment of the unrighteous, the New Heavens and New
Earth, the New Jerusalem and the Eternal State of the righteous.
Keys to understanding the end day timeline of Revelation 6-19:
Key #1: In order to understand the timeline of the events of Revelation 6-19 you first have to
realise that these 14 chapters do not show one linear chronological timeline of the events of the
end days. If you try to study it that way you will get very confused. Instead you have to
understand that there are two cycles of the one timeline revealed. Revelation 6-11 is the first
cycle of the timeline that describes events from the rise of the beast (antichrist) until the return of
Christ. Then Revelation 13-19 is the second cycle of the same timeline which again reveals the
events from the rise of the beast to the return of Christ. This second cycle contains some
differing degrees of detail yet it is the exact same timeline as Revelation 6-11.
Then, you need to understand that within each of these two cycles there is found a smaller cycle
of the same timeline. Revelation 6 is a smaller cycle within the first major cycle of chapters 6-11.
This smaller cycle of the timeline in Revelation 6 gives an overview of the rise of the beast until
the return of Christ. Then Revelation 14 is the second smaller cycle within chapters 13-19 that
gives an overview from the Great Tribulation until the return of Christ but focusing on different
In total Revelation 6-19 contains four repeated cycles of the same timeline. It has two major
cycles that are more descriptive and two minor cycles that are more of an overview. Everything
within each cycle is essentially describing the same timeline of events but with differing degrees
of detail. This is all crucial information to be aware of when trying to place each event within the
timeline of end day events.
Key #2: Another important key to understanding the timeline of the end day events is to know
that everything in the book of Revelation from chapters 7 to 19 (except chapter 12) all takes
place within the first 6 seals that are revealed in Revelation chapter 6. That’s right, all the events
can be placed within the timeline of the first 6 seals. In fact the first 6 seals of Revelation 6 is the
entire end day timeline from the rise of the beast to the return of Christ and everything from
Revelation 7-19 can be placed within that timeline. The trumpet and bowl judgments (which
make up most of the events) are God’s response to seal number 5, which are the martyred
saints under the altar in heaven crying out for vengeance against their blood, but are told to wait
until the right time. Seal number 6 is the right time and is God’s response to the Great
Tribulation and persecution of the beast upon the saints. This sees God pouring out judgment
upon the beast, his kingdom and his followers in the form of the trumpet and bowl judgments. All
these judgments can be easily placed within seal number 6.
It is key to understand that everything from the rise of the antichrist and false prophet, the Great
Tribulation, the two witnesses, the destruction of Babylon, the battle of Armageddon, the harvest
of the earth, the first resurrection of the righteous and the return of Christ all takes place within
the first 6 seals. Having this information makes it easy to place everything from Revelation 7-19
within the timeline of the end days.
We will now look at the first 6 seals and then go chapter by chapter through Revelation 7-19 to
show where each end day event fits within the timeline of these 6 seals.
The first 6 seals:
First seal: (Rev 6:1,2) The rider on the white horse.
This is the rise of the beast/antichrist coming forth to conquer.
● This is yet to happen right at the end of the age and no one can predict it. People always
try but are always wrong. When antichrist does come onto the scene we will all know
about him. It will be so obvious that it’s him because Revelation 13 and 2 Thessalonians
2 reveal unmistakable key characteristics about him. He will only be revealed at the
beginning of the end days and will only be destroyed upon Christ’s return (2
Thessalonians 2:8, Revelation 19:20).
● The beast is a person and a world leader as revealed in Revelation 13 and 2
Thessalonians 2 and is not representative of a false religion, an ideology, a belief, a
practise, a kingdom or anything symbolic. He is an actual person and a political, religious
and economic world leader as clearly revealed in Scripture.
● Once he is revealed then we know that within his lifetime Christ will return and the end of
the age will come. However, the exact day and hour no one can predict. Even though
people still foolishly try. “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of
heaven, but My Father only.” (Matthew 24:36).
Second seal: (vs 3,4) The rider on the red horse.
He represents peace being taken from the earth and war.
Third seal: (vs 5,6) The rider on a black horse.
He represents famine and starvation.
Fourth seal: (vs 7,8) The rider on a pale horse.
He represents death and hades.
Revelation 6:8b “And power was given to them (the four riders) over a fourth of the earth, to kill
with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.”
● Because of these four riders a quarter of mankind is killed. This will be a time of great
suffering, distress, war, famine and death.
● In this time the love of many will fail, world religions will fail, world governments will fail
and world economics will fail.
● Antichrist will rise to power and Revelation 13 will be played out.
● Satan will hand his power over to the beast and he will rule as the world political,
religious and economic leader.
● People will worship the beast as a world religious leaders (Rev 13:4,8). Contrary to
popular belief the “great apostasy” or “falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) is not actually
referring to the church but actually the people of world religions abandoning their religion
to worship and follow the beast. This happens through a great deception (2 Thess 2:4,
9-11; Rev 13:11-15). Satan will turn all his false religions over to the beast. Islam,
Buddhism, Hinduism, atheism – all religions, so that in the end there will only be one
religion, the religion of the beast. This seems impossible now but once the deceptions
start happening everyone who is not a born again believer will fall for it (Rev 13:8).
● World economics will be restored by the beast and governed by his kingdom. (Rev
● In this time many saints are martyred as the beast and false prophet bring a great
tribulation against anyone who does not bow down to the beast. (Rev 6:9-11, Rev 7:9-14
and Rev 13:7,9,10,15.)
Fifth seal: (vs 9-11) Saints under the altar crying out for vengeance upon those who dwell on
the earth (more specifically the beast and his followers) but are told to wait until “the full number
of their fellow servants and brethren would be killed, as they were, is complete”. This is the
Great Tribulation. This happens during the first 4 seals and up until the start of the sixth seal.
Sixth seal: (vs 12-17) God’s wrath is released upon the beast, the beast’s kingdom (the
Babylonian world system of politics, religion and economics) and upon the beast’s followers.
● This is the “Great Day of God’s Wrath”. This is a short period, possibly around three and
a half years that culminates with Christ’s return and the end of the age, where God pours
out his wrath upon the beast and his kingdom in the form of the trumpet and bowl
● In this time we see the total destruction of the beast and false prophet, his kingdom and
his followers, whilst God protects his own people, the saints (Rev 16:2).
● This is God’s response to the martyred saints of the fifth seal and by the end of the
seventh bowl God’s wrath is “complete” (see Rev 15:1-4 and Rev 16:5,6, Rev 18:20,
Rev 19:1-2. Also see 2 Thess 1:4-10).
● This shows that the period of the trumpet and bowl judgments of God and everything in
between all take place within the sixth seal which is “the great day of God’s wrath”.
(Rev 6:17).
● (Note that Revelation 12 is most likely not included in the time period of the sixth seal as
we will see a bit later.)
The end day timeline:
A chapter by chapter look at how each event of Revelation 7-19
fits into the timeline of the first 6 seals.
Revelation 7:
● (vs 1-8) 144,000 Jewish saints protected by God during the Great Tribulation.
(Revelation 12:13-16 could be referring to this).
● (vs 9-17) The Great Multitude of martyred saints in heaven who are killed during the
Great Tribulation.
● All this takes place during the first 5 seals.
Revelation 8 & 9:
● (8:1-2) The opening of the seventh seal brings silence in heaven for half an hour and
also the giving of the 7 trumpets to the 7 angels before the throne. This shows that the
trumpet judgments are in fact all part of the 7 seals.
● (8:3-6) shows that it’s the prayers of the saints (martyrs) that have come up to God that
cause the response of God to send the trumpet judgments upon the earth. This happens
after the fifth seal and again shows that the trumpet judgments happen during the sixth
● (For more information on the trumpet judgments, how they compare with the bowl
judgments and how they compare with the sixth seal see section below after this
Revelation 10 – 11:14
● Angel with the Scroll, Measuring the Temple (of God in heaven), the Two Witnesses
prophesying judgment for three and a half years on the “outer courts” (the earth) and the
Great Earthquake.
● All of these events are happening during the sixth trumpet and are still part of that sixth
trumpet. (See Rev 11:14).
● This all takes place during the sixth seal.
Revelation 11:15-19:
● The Seventh Trumpet, the Return of Christ, the Kingdoms of the world become the
kingdoms of Christ, the Judging of the Dead, the Rewarding of the Saints the
Destroying the Destroyers of Earth (satan and his legions).
● This all happens at the very end of the sixth seal and brings the first major cycle of the
timeline to an end. The second major cycle starts again in Revelation 13.
Revelation 12:
● (vs 1-5) Dragon going after the woman’s child. This is satan trying to destroy Christ
at His birth but failing to and being cast down when Christ ascended to take His throne in
● (vs 6-16) Dragon going after the woman. This is satan trying to destroy Israel either
during the events of 70 AD or throughout the Church Age until the return of Christ or
even during the Great end day Tribulation, but failing because God is preserving Israel
(Rev 12:6, 13-16). (God made a covenantal promise to preserve the Jewish race forever.
See Matthew 24:34, Jeremiah 31:32-37 and many other scriptures).
● (vs 17) Dragon going after the woman’s other offspring. This is satan going after
believers worldwide during the Great Tribulation (the first five seals). The way that satan
persecutes these believers is through the beast of Revelation 13.
Revelation 13: (Second cycle of the timeline begins here.)
● (vs 1-10, 16) The rise of the beast/antichrist t o become the political, religious and
economic world leader.
● (vs 11-15) The second beast (the false prophet) deceives the nations through great
signs and causes them to worship the beast.
● The events of Revelation 13 all take place during the first 5 seals which includes the
Great Tribulation and persecution of believers worldwide.
● (The opening of the sixth seal sees God’s judgments being released upon the beast, his
kingdom and his followers with the trumpet and bowl judgments as a response to the
prayers of the martyred saints).
Revelation 14: (second minor cycle of the timeline).
● An overview of the time during the Great Tribulation (first 5 seals), then what happens
during the sixth seal and then the return of Christ.
● (vs 1-5) 144,000 born again Jews with Jesus on Mount Zion. These are the ones sealed
and preserved by God during the Great Tribulation (Rev 7:1-8, Rev 12:13-16).
● The rest of the chapter takes place during the sixth seal:
● (vs 6-7) First angel proclaiming the Gospel to the inhabitants of the world to worship
Christ not the beast.
● (vs 8) Second angel proclaiming the fall of Babylon (the beast’s kingdom – Rev 17:3).
● (vs 9-11) Third angel proclaiming wrath upon anyone who is a follower of the beast.
● (vs 14-16)Then Christ returns to harvest the righteous, and an angel to harvest the
unrighteous unto judgment (see Rev 19:11-21 esp vs 15).
Revelation 15:
● (vs 1) Seven angels with seven bowls ready to pour out upon the earth. With them the
wrath of God is complete.
● (vs 2-4) Believers who are protected by God during the bowl judgments. They are
described as having victory over the beast, his image, his mark and his number. They
are worshiping God and anticipating his judgments to be released upon the beast, his
kingdom and followers in response to the prayers of the martyrs of the Great Tribulation
during the first and the fifth seal (Rev 6:9-11). Some suggest these could be the martyrs.
● (vs 5-8) Seven angels come out of the temple in heaven and are given the seven bowls
of God’s wrath. Verse 8 reveals that the bowls contain seven plagues.
● This is all taking place between the fifth seal and sixth seal that is about to be opened.
● (For more on the bowl judgments see section below after this timeline.)
Revelation 16:
● The seven bowl judgments. These begins at the opening of the sixth seal and by the
end of them Christ has returned. This is the “Great Day of His Wrath” (Rev 6:12-17).
● It is not clear how long this period lasts for. It may be a very short period or it may last
around three and a half years (Rev 11:3).
● This is God’s wrath upon the beast, his kingdom and his followers. By the end of these
judgments God’s wrath is complete and the beast, his kingdom and his followers are
destroyed. (See Rev 19).
● During these judgments God protects his own people (see verse 2).
● The bowl judgments are actually happening at the same time as the trumpet judgments.
In fact they are most likely the exact same events. When you compare the seven
trumpets with the seven bowls they are basically exactly the same. (See “Comparison of
the trumpet and bowl judgments” below after this timeline.)
Revelation 17:
● (vs 1) Angel with the seven bowls shows John the judgment of the great harlot,
Babylon. (Babylon is the world kingdom of the beast. His economic, religious and
political world kingdom).
● This vision picks up after the bowl judgments of Revelation 16 but actually takes place
during the bowl judgments. Each bowl is a devastating blow that judges and decimates
the Babylonian kingdom of the beast.
● This all takes place during the sixth seal.
● (vs 2) shows that the great harlot is not Jerusalem but in fact a world empire.
● (vs 3) shows that Babylon rides upon the beast meaning that Babylon is upheld and
supported by the beast. It’s the kingdom of the beast.
● (vs 5) calls her a harlot showing that it is an antichrist kingdom and that the nations of
the world commit adultery with her in that they worship and follow her as opposed to
following Christ.
● (vs 6) she is responsible for martyring the saints during the Great Tribulation, for which
she is about to receive the wrath of the bowl judgments (Rev 16:5,6).
● (vs 7-11) The beast with the 7 heads. The 7 heads represent 7 kings/world leaders or
kingdoms. It is debatable who each of these 7 represent historically but one thing that is
clear is that the eighth, which is part of these 7, is the antichrist – the final world leader.
He is part of the 7 because he is also a world leader.
● (vs 12-17) The ten horns are 10 kings that have yet to receive their kingdoms. They
therefore cannot be past or current kings. They will only emerge during the reign of the
beast and not before. They will only receive authority for 1 hour and in that time will help
to attack Babylon because God has put it in their hearts to do. This will take place during
the sixth seal in the day of God’s wrath upon the beast, his kingdom and his followers.
Revelation 18:
● The Fall of Babylon.
● This takes place during the sixth seal because of the bowl judgments of God.
● Her destruction is swift as revealed as taking place in 1 hour (see verses 10, 17 and 19).
This may be a literal hour or figurative to mean swift.
Revelation 19:
● (vs 1-10) The great multitude in heaven rejoicing that God’s judgments have come and
that the wedding supper of the Lamb has come. Perhaps they are the martyrs or all the
righteous dead before the throne.
● (vs 11- 21) The Second Coming, the battle of Armageddon, destruction of the beast,
false prophet and the followers of the beast.
● This event is the same event as revealed in so many New Testament scriptures. (See
Matt 24:29-31, Matt 25:31-46, 1 Cor 15:50-52, 1 Thess 4:13-17, 2 Thess 1:4-10, 2 Thess
2:1-8, Rev 6:12-17, Rev 11:15-18, Rev 14:14-20).
● All this takes place at the end of the sixth seal and is the conclusion to the “Great Day of
His Wrath”.
After the Return of Christ:
Revelation 20:
● (vs 1-3) Satan bound for 1000 years (the Millennium).
● (vs 4- 6) The first resurrection. Though this event is placed here in chapter 20 it does
not actually take place chronologically here. It happens in chapter 19 and is a part of the
return of Christ and is included in the sixth seal. (There are only two resurrections
revealed in Scripture. The first is the resurrection of the righteous and the second is the
resurrection of the unrighteous (vs 13). Verse 5 says that the “rest of the dead” did not
come alive until the 1000 years is ended which refers to the second resurrection of all
the unrighteous unto judgment. There are no other resurrections revealed in Scripture,
therefore this first resurrection that versed 4-6 speak about have to include all the
righteous saints throughout time. This is the same resurrection that takes place just as
Christ is returning and is the same resurrection of 1 Corinthians 15:50-53 and 1
Thessalonians 4:13-17. These all refer to the same saints who return with Christ at his
Second Coming in Revelation 19:1-21 (see especially verse 14).
● (vs 6) Millennial reign of Christ. It’s debatable whether this is a figurative or literal 1000
years. It certainly seems more literal due to the language and context given.
● (vs 7 – 10) Satan released from abyss after the Millennium who then gathers the
remaining nations against the saints and surround the beloved city (Jerusalem) but are
all consumed with fire. Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire where the beast and false
prophet are. (This event cannot be referring to the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70AD
since fire did not come from heaven and destroy the Romans, nor was Satan cast into
the Lake of Fire then. This only takes place at the end of the age after Christ has
returned and after the Millennium.)
● (vs 11-15) The second resurrection. The unrighteous throughout all time are
resurrected to face the Great White Throne Judgment of Christ. They are then cast into
the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death. It’s the place of eternal judgment where
Satan, the beast and the false prophet are (vs 10).
Revelation 21:
● (vs 1) New Heaven and New Earth revealed. First heaven and first earth have passed
away by this time. (2 Peter 3:10-13 explains this very clearly.)
● (vs 2) The Holy City, the New Jerusalem which is the Bride of Christ. This is all the
righteous saints now eternally perfect and holy.
● (vs 3-7) The glorious eternal state of the righteous dwelling together with God.
● (vs 8) The eternal state of the unrighteous in the Lake of Fire which is the second
● (vs 9-27) a description of the Bride, the Lamb’s wife, the city of God and the eternal state
of the Bride dwelling together with Christ.
Revelation 22:
● (vs 1-5) The River of Life and the Tree of Life. The eternal state of the righteous with
God and the Lamb.
● (vs 6- 21) The conversation then returns back to Christ concluding the revelation to John
with some final exhortations to be ready for His return and to not add or take away from
the prophecy.
Additional insights into the trumpet and bowl judgements:
1. What happens during the trumpet and bowl judgments?
2. The similarities between the trumpet and bowl judgments.
3. A comparison of the events of the sixth seal with the trumpet and bowl judgments.
What happens during the trumpet and bowl judgments?
When: A response to the prayers of the saints and martyrs (fifth seal). These trumpets occur
during the sixth seal. The seventh seal reveals them but is not necessarily placing them
chronologically after the seals. They instead all take place within the sixth seal.
Target: the first four target the earth (Revelation 8:5). The last Three target the inhabitants of
the earth (Revelation 8:13).
Effect: ⅓ of the earth is destroyed (Revelation 8). ⅓ of mankind is destroyed (Revelation 9:15).
First trumpet:
● Fiery hail destroys ⅓ of earth, trees and grass. (Rev 8:7).
Second trumpet:
● Blazing mountain thrown into the sea – ⅓ of sea turned to blood, ⅓ living creatures in
sea die, ⅓ ships destroyed. (Rev 8:8,9).
Third trumpet:
● Blazing star (called Wormwood) falls on rivers and springs of water. ⅓ waters turns
bitter and many people die from the water. (Rev 8:10).
Fourth trumpet:
● Sun, moon and stars struck. ⅓ of each became dark. ⅓ of the day and night without
light. (Rev 8:12).
Fifth trumpet:
● Locusts from the Abyss. They torture all people not sealed by God with stings. (Rev
Six trumpet:
● Four angels released at great river Euphrates,
● 200 million mounted troops that bring
● Three plagues for fire, smoke and sulfur that kill ⅓ of mankind. (Rev 9:13-21).
● The two witnesses with various plagues. (Rev 11:3-12).
● A great earthquake (Rev 11:13).
Seventh trumpet:
● The Return of Christ. (Rev 11:14-18).
● Lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm. T his
is all part of the Return of Christ and the concluding of the trumpets. (Rev 11:19).
When: During the sixth seal. They are clearly a response from God to the prayers of the
martyred saints under the altar in heaven as revealed in the fifth seal. The sixth seal is the
response from God and sees the trumpet and bowl judgments being poured out. (See Rev
15:1-4 and Rev 16:5,6, Rev 18:20, Rev 19:1-2).
Target: The worshippers of the beast (Rev 16:2,5,6,8,9,10,11,21). The kingdom of the beast
(Babylon) (Rev 16:10,19). But the saints are protected by God in a sea of fiery glass, having
“victory over the beast” (Not rapture but protection) (Rev 15:2).
Effect: Men curse God and do not repent (Rev 16:9,11,21) yet his judgements are declared
righteous, just and true (Rev 15:3,4 & Rev 16:5,6,7) Babylonian antichrist kingdom brought to
ruin (The effects of the bowl judgments are what is revealed in Revelation 17 & 18’s fall of
First bowl:
● Loathsome sores. They fall upon those with the mark of the beast and who worship his
image. (Rev 16:2).
Second bowl:
● Sea turned to blood. Every living creature in the sea dies (Rev 16:3).
Third bowl:
● Rivers and springs turn to blood. (Rev 16:4).
Fourth bowl:
● Sun scorches people with fire. (Rev 16:8,9).
Fifth bowl:
● Darkness and painful sores upon the kingdom of the beast. (Rev 16:10,11).
Six bowl:
● Upon great river Euphrates. Demonic spirits go out from satan, the beast and the false
prophet performing signs to gather kings and nations of the world to the battle of the
great day of the Lord (the battle of Armageddon) (Rev 16:12-16).
Seventh bowl:
● Into the air. Noises, thundering and lightning, greatest earthquake, cities of the nations
fall, the great city split into three parts, Babylon given the cup of the wine of the
fierceness of God’s wrath, every island and mountain fled, great hail fall upon men (Rev
The similarities between the trumpet and bowl judgments:
First trumpet: Fiery hail.
First bowl: Loathsome sores.
Second trumpet: ⅓ of the sea turned to blood.
Second bowl: All of sea turned to blood.
Third trumpet: ⅓ of rivers and springs turn to blood.
Third bowl: All rivers and springs turn to blood.
Fourth trumpet: ⅓ of sun, moon and stars darkened.
Fourth bowl: Sun scorches people with fire.
Fifth trumpet: Locusts torture those who worship the beast with stings. (Darkness from
Fifth bowl: Darkness upon the kingdom of the beast and/with painful sores upon the people of
the beast’s kingdom.
Sixth trumpet:
● Four angels release at great river Euphrates. (Represents Babylon preparing for the final
showdown of the beast against Christ).
● 200 million mounted troops.
● Troops brought three plagues: fire, smoke and sulfur that kill ⅓ of mankind.
● A great earthquake and a tenth of the great city falls (Rev 11:8). Compare with seventh
bowl which has a great earthquake and the great city is divided into three parts and the
cities of the nations fall.
Sixth bowl:
● Upon great river Euphrates dries up to prepare the way of the kings of the east.
(Represents Babylon preparing for the final showdown of the beast against Christ).
● Three demonic spirits go out from satan, the beast and the false prophet performing
signs to gather kings and nations of the whole world to the battle of the great day of the
Lord. To the place called Armageddon. (Satan summoning his troops for Armageddon.
Showdown between good and evil.)
Seventh trumpet:
● Lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm. (Rev
● Christ coming – kingdoms of the world becoming the Kingdoms of Christ. (Rev 11:15)
● Taken His great power and began to reign. (Rev 11:17).
● Nations angry but His wrath came.
● Destroying the destroyers of the earth (Rev 11:18).
Seventh bowl:
● Noises, thundering and lightning, greatest earthquake, cities of the nations fell, the great
city split into three parts.
● Babylon given the cup of the wine of the fierceness of God’s wrath.
● Every island and mountain fled.
● Great hail (wrath) fell upon men.
After the seven bowls the wrath of God is complete (Rev 15:1). These bowls are The Great Day
of God’s Wrath. This is the same great day that takes place within the sixth seal.
When you compare the events of the sixth seal with the trumpet and bowls you clearly see that
these are all the same events and part of the same timeline. It shows that the bowls and
trumpets are all part of the sixth seal.
A comparison of the events of the sixth seal with the trumpet and bowl judgments:
Sixth seal: (Rev 6:12-17).
● Great earthquake. (Vs 12).
This takes place during:
○ Seventh trumpet – Rev 11:19.
○ Seventh bowl – Rev 16:18,19.
● Sun became black as sackcloth of hair, moon became like blood. (Vs 12).
This takes place during:
○ Fourth trumpet – Rev 8:12,
○ Fifth bowl – Rev 16:10.
● Stars fell to the earth (Vs 13).
This takes place during:
○ Seventh trumpet – Rev 11:19.
○ Seventh bowl – Rev 16:21.
● Sky receded as a scroll. Every mountain and island was moved out of its place. (Vs 14)
This takes place during:
○ Seventh bowl – Rev 16:20.
● Kings of the earth, great men, rich, commanders, mighty, every slave and free hid
themselves in the caves and rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and
rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the
wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Vs 15-17).
This takes place during:
○ Seventh trumpet – Rev 11:18. (Also see Rev 8:5-6).
○ Sixth and Seventh bowl – Rev 16:5,6 14-21. (Also see Rev 15).
These comparisons show that the trumpet and bowl judgements are not subsequent events after the sixth seal but all take place during it. The sixth seal is the climax of the ages and the final days of earth.
By Ryan Rufus
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Hey that’s awesome Marc. I’m so blessed you read my study. Also, I think I did include chapter 12 in the 4-19 narrative, but happy to hear your thoughts. I’m definitely open minded about it. Bless you friend.
Dear brother Ryan Rufus,
I’ve been studying the book of Revelation and came across your article, “A timeline of the book of Revelation”. I think it is very thoughtful except why did you take chapter 12 out of the context of chapters 4-19 or 6-19. This does not make sense. I would like you to reconsider chapter 12 as part of the whole 4-19 and not something just stuck in the middle of a narrative that does not relate to the future. I’d like to give you reasons why I think it is part of the end time “time and time and half a time narrative. I realize that your most likely extremely busy. Thank you for your time.
Respectfully in Christ Jesus,
Marc Carlos
Thanks for the article very helpful.
To clarify, do you think the 7 trumpets are same as the 7 bowls? The 2nd/3rd trumpet mentions 1/3 but the 2nd bowl says ALL, which is a significant difference. How do you reconcile the difference?