Does God love Israel more than other nations, and has elected to save all Jewish people regardless of faith in Christ? Absolutely not! He loves all people and has included everyone in his salvation plan through the seed of Abraham – Christ! But what about Romans 11:28-32? Doesn’t that show otherwise? Well, let’s study it.

Verse 28:Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers.” 

Israel was chosen in Abraham to bear the seed of Abraham, Christ, that salvation/mercy might come to the Gentiles. They are beloved because God chose them for that special task and God honours them in that, even though now they are opposed to the Gospel. But this honour doesn’t mean they are greater than any other nation. It just means God honours them for their part in his salvation plan/election.

Verse 29:For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”

The “gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” means that God hasn’t cut Israel off because of their rejection of Christ. Salvation is still available to them.

Verse 30,31:For as you were once disobedient to God, yet have now obtained mercy through their disobedience, even so these also have now been disobedient, that through the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy.” 

The Gentiles were outside of God’s salvation until the Israelites disobeyed/crucified Christ. Through that disobedience salvation went out to the Gentile. The Gentile didn’t earn it or deserve it, it was entirely a work of God’s mercy that they are included and salvation is available to them if they would receive it by faith. Likewise, Israel cannot earn it or deserve it, but as they understand that the Gentiles are also included now, not because of works/merit but because of God mercy, so Israel too can obtain this salvation through mercy and not merit.

Verse 32:For God has committed them all to disobedience, that He might have mercy on all.”

God allowed their disobedience/rejection and crucifixion of Christ because it was a part of fulfilling his salvation plan, knowing that it would mean that mercy and true salvation would be able to come to Israel because of it! Before Christ, not even Israel could be saved. Their sins were only temporarily covered until Christ perfect blood was offered. Their disobedience had to happen because Christ has to be saved, but because of their disobedience, now Gods mercy can in fact flow to all Jews. But that is of course, only if they receive that mercy through faith. Jews are no different to Gentiles now. All have to have faith in Christ in order to be saved. Romans 11:23 makes this very clear “And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.” Israel will only be grafted back in to Christ/Abraham’s seed if they have faith in Jesus.

There is no difference now, God’s election has gone beyond just Israel. Because of Christ it has now gone out to all Gentile nations and everyone is included. That means salvation has been made available to anyone who will receive it by faith. There isn’t a different Gospel for Jewish people and for Gentiles. It’s the same Gospel for both, all must come through faith.  God is no respecter of persons, everyone has the same opportunity to receive salvation. Everyone is called now by God through Christ. And the reason why God sent Jesus is not because he only loved Israel but “for God so loved the whole world…”. The promise of Abraham always included the Gentile nations anyway and not just Israel. “I will bless you and you will be a blessing to all nations!” Yes God loves Israel, but he equally loves all other nations of the world and calls everyone, Jews and Gentiles, to repent and believe in Jesus!

By Ryan Rufus.

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