Sorry if this BURSTS YOUR BUBBLE but the LAW was a LICENSE TO SIN!
Moses literally allowed men to write their wives a certificate of divorce and send them away so that they could get another woman (Deut 24:1-4). In Matthew 19:3-10 Jesus, who is grace, exposes what was truly going on in their hearts. They thought they had found a loophole in the law that legally permitted them to have multiple sexual partners. When you’re tired of one, send her away with a divorce LICENSE and just get another one! It’s all legal and not considered sin. Jesus, however, uncovers the religious hypocrisy that was masking the sinfulness of their hard hearts. They had found a way of legalising their out of control lust and sexual immorality but Jesus came and exposed it for what it was, adultery. Grace isn’t a license to sin, but the law literally is! Under the law if you could get away with sin you would because those under law have a heart of stone. Under grace you don’t want to sin even if you could get away with it, because in Christ God has given us a new heart! Now we might stumble under grace, but our new heart that doesn’t want to sin is always leading us towards victory! Grace is not a license, it’s the power for victory, but the power of sin is the law!
1 CORINTHIANS 15:56-57 “the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
By Ryan Rufus.
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