For the believer, there is now a new force inside of us that is far more effective than that old external law! It’s called the new nature. The law was powerless to get rid of our old fallen nature and give us a new perfect nature.
When you have a new nature you don’t want to sin – even though you could get away with it! Under law you want to sin – even though you can’t get away with it!
You may look at yourself in the flesh and think of all your shortcomings and form your identity out of that, but when God looks at you he sees you in the spirit as a new creation. And when he sees you it’s like he’s looking at himself! He is righteous, he is loveable. You are righteous, you are loveable, worthy, beautiful, clean, acceptable, pleasing and perfect! All this is your true identity. That’s why it says in Isaiah 60:1
“Arise, shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”
It doesn’t say, “Shrink back in shame and try to hide.” That was the old fallen you that was under the Law”. But the new you is perfect just like Christ and you need to see yourself like that. How? By fixing your eyes on Jesus!
The more you see how perfect you are on the inside the more you will become that on the outside.
God is no longer trying to get you to live up to a certain set of rules. He’s simply trying to get you to be yourself, your true self!
Jesus came to exchange our old fallen nature with His perfect nature! A nature empowered by God with all His desires, His passions and His holiness.
Your new nature has no desire for sin!
God’s nature in us is the reason why we love, give, live pure, have joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, don’t lie or cheat, steal, gossip, slander, lust and covet. It’s the reason we are passionate about the things God is passionate about. God is not trying to get you to live by the law He’s trying to get you to live by your new nature!