When you put believers under the law you shipwreck their faith. Your faith cannot work under the law since the law is all about confidence in your flesh. We’re absolutely not supposed to mix grace with the law. It is more dangerous than people realise. It’s toxic and leads to death! Some believers think that though we’re saved by grace we still have the law as a moral compass so we know what sin is, are convicted and will sin less. This is anti the New Covenant and Pharisaical no matter which way you look at it! Paul the apostle says that the power of sin is the law! The more you put believers under the law the more they will sin! The moral compass we now have in the New Covenant is far greater, far superior than the law! Your new creation nature together with the Holy Spirit is your new moral guide and won’t let you get comfortable in sin but will encourage and help you to overcome sin! Many believers have more faith in the law than in the Holy Spirit and the new creation even though the book of Hebrews says that that Old Covenant system based on the law was weak and useless!
The revelation of the New Covenant is that we have died to the law and been released completely from it! Galatians 3 says that before faith came we were prisoners under the law but now that faith has come we are no longer under the supervision of the law! It also says that the law is not of faith. Living under the law is fleshy and carnal! It’s the opposite of faith! Living by faith is what is spiritual! When you live under law your faith won’t even work!
The purpose of the law was to reveal sin and lead us to Christ – that’s it. The law isn’t bad. In fact it’s holy. God never gave the law to make us holy but to reveal that we were unholy and needed someone to make us holy – Jesus Christ! Believers who now try to live by the law are very misguided no matter how “educated” they are and are not inline with the New Covenant. The letter of the law is literally trying to rely on the law to please God, earn his blessings and avoid his disapproval or punishment. At very best the Bible calls this fleshy, carnal and an evil heart of unbelief!
2 Corinthians 3 simply says that living by the law gives birth to death and that it is a ministry of condemnation. How is it that many believers can read the same New Testament as us and concluded that we are still under the law?
The worst thing you can do for a believer is put them back under the law. You will put condemnation on them, death on them, put them back in the flesh, cause them to sin more, shipwreck their faith and ultimately drive them further away from God! Grace empowers the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. It takes us into the spirit, activates our faith, empowers our relationship with God, is the only thing that truly teaches us to say no to sin, gives us life and enables us to produce fruit for God. Many people these days are scared of “grace” teaching and fight to keep it out of their churches! How backwards this is! We should be scared of law teaching and fight to keep it out of our churches and help the body of Christ to walk in true grace!
And just because some pervert grace out there doesn’t mean we should protect the Church from true grace. In fact it is all the more reason why we should be preaching true authentic grace and nothing but the wonderful grace of Jesus Christ! Listen to good grace teachers out there who honor the word, churches and leadership and who have a good track record of fruitfulness and faithfulness. Read their books. Watch their DVD’s. Give them to your churches and friends. Feast on them and see the fruit of grace manifesting in your life, your friends and churches! Sow to the spirit and from the spirit you will reap Christ’s abundant supernatural eternal life working powerfully in you and your churches!