If you are born again your spirit has been made perfect! It has already been glorified! Your spirit right now is how it is always going to be in heaven for all eternity! Your spirit is part of the new creation order now! You mind and body are still part of the old creation order but one day will be made part of the new creation order just like your spirit, when Christ returns. 2 Cor 3 says we are transformed into the exact same image of Christ from glory to glory. That’s glorification of spirit and then glorification of body and mind! 1 Cor 15 says that when Christ returns our bodies will be changed to be like his body (glorified) in the twinkling of an eye! 1 Cor 13 speaks about how our minds only know in part now (or basically are imperfect) but one day perfection will come for our minds when we go to be with him.
The point is that your spirit has been made perfect! It is seated in heavenly places in Christ, hidden in Christ, already given fullness and made complete in Christ, united with Christ, blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ, born of incorruptible seed, made into Christ same image, a new creation, created after Gods very nature in perfect righteousness and holiness, the same as Christ is now – basically your spirit has been made perfect just like how Christ is now!
There are no imperfections in your spirit. No darkness, no sin, nothing of the old creation, nothing fallen, no sinful nature – but just the pure, perfect and complete likeness of Christ that your spirit has already been transformed into! This is who you really are! This is the true you right now!
We’re called to live from our spirit through our mind and body not the other way round! That’s why while here on earth we offer our body as a living sacrifice (lay it down), and continue to renew our mind (to who we are in the spirit!) This is all so that our spirit can rise to ascendancy over our body and mind so that we can live by all the fullness of Christ that is in our spirit. We are called to walk by the spirit and not the flesh – to walk by the new creation in charge and not the old creation in charge!
Is your new creation free or is it bound by your old creation? We must empower our spirit to rise and exercise dominion! This is done by walking in grace, in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and becoming more aware of who we are in the spirit.
Now there’s some theology for you!!!